Speech Exercise To Do At Home With Your Child

speech therapist uae

Speech exercises are an important part of learning how to talk and communicate. They help your child improve their speech skills, which will help them become more comfortable with the way they sound and feel confident when speaking. Here are some fun ways you can practice with your child:

Have your child repeat the sound.

Have your child repeat the sound.

For example, if you say “m”, have your child repeat it back to you and then say it again.

Then talk about what they are saying and ask them to explain why they think that word makes a difference in the sentence.

Show how you make the sound.

  • Use your mouth to make the sound.
  • Use your face to make the sound.
  • Use your body to make the sound.
  • Use your hands and arms to make the sound if you can’t use your voice or lips, or both!
  • Point at objects (like this book) while saying “ba” so that they become part of what you are saying!

Now that we’ve covered how speech works in general, let’s move on with some examples:

Encourage your child to repeat the sound.

Encourage your child to repeat the sound.

With this exercise, you want to reinforce their efforts and help them understand what they are doing right. Be encouraging and positive in your tone while they are doing this activity. Don’t be too hard on them if they don’t get it right the first time around; remember that practice makes perfect!

Have your child say the sound again.

You can also have your child say the sound again. First, you say it yourself and then ask him or her to repeat it back to you. This can be a great way to encourage their speech development because they’ll feel proud of themselves when they are able to repeat what you just said!

You could also try saying this sound in front of your child so that he or she knows how much fun it will be once they learn how to make this particular sound!

Talk about the word they are saying and what it means.

  • Talk about the word they are saying and what it means.
  • Make sure the word is clear.
  • Talk about the word in a sentence.
  • Make sure your child understands what you are saying

The more you practice with your child, the more likely these are to become natural sounds for him or her

The more you practice with your child, the more likely these are to become natural sounds for him or her. Practice makes perfect! The more you do something, the better you get at it and faster will be your results.

It’s also a good idea to practice in short bursts and then take a break: if you practice too much or too long on one word or phrase, your brain can get tired and focus may shift away from what needs to be learned.

About Speech Therapy Center in Dubai

We are a Dubai based company, which is providing speech therapy, aba therapy, parent consultations and language therapy for children.

Our vision is to provide the best care to our patients and their families. We have an early intervention centre in dubai where we are providing speech therapy and aba therapy for children with developmental disorders.

We believe that every child deserves to be treated with dignity, respect and love.

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